DEVOTIONAL | It’s a Love Story, Baby Just Say Yes…


Giant ball gowns, princes and diamond rings. These are a few of a girl’s favorite things.

We’ve all been there. You want the romance, the boy, the wedding, the relationship everyone envies. You want to be the girl the guy falls head over heels for, the one who is adored, the one who is chosen fairest in all the land. You fantasize about celebrities whisking you away, or the boy you like at your school becoming obsessed with you, like you’re obsessed with him. You crave romance, you long to be loved, and you desperately want to be wanted.

I’ve been there, and most of the time I still want the fairy tale, the love story, to belong to a man and be the center of his universe.

Here’s the catch.

Love stories are great, but at some point we’ve got to determine if it’s romance we are after, or fulfillment. Do you want a boy to like you for the right reasons? Do you want to be in a relationship so badly because you think it’s the only thing that will make you happy?

As women, we’re designed to be help-mates to men (Genesis 2:18), and we are made from man (Genesis 2:23), so it’s natural that us girls crave a relationship with a man, and want to share our lives with someone perfect for us.

But when a girl is insecure, lonely, or has low self-esteem, she can take all of her loneliness and pour it into a guy, hoping to fill the void. She wants something she can see and touch, someone to tell her she’s worth living for and worth caring about. As girls, we’re conditioned from birth to believe we need a knight in shining amour, that we’re supposed to wait in a tower while prince so-and-so comes to slay the dragon and fix everything.

And then we grow up. We’ve grown into clueless, defenseless, alone, scared little girls in teenager form. Still waiting for a man to give us a purpose.

Are you still locked in your tower, princess? Searching for meaning and love from a prince who is taking his sweet time showing up?

Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. – Psalm 146:3

As a generation of young girls we are forgetting who our true rescuer is, our one true prince, our one true love. His name is Jesus.

He is the one who died for us, adores us, and wants to commit to us forever and ever. He wants to slay our dragons, rescue us from our towers, and give us life, love and the freedom to be ourselves.

Newsflash: You don’t need a guy to make you feel special. You already are. God designed you uniquely, individually, one of a kind, precious, beautiful and independent.

How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! – Psalm 139:17 (NLT)

God is thinking wonderful things about you, personally. He can’t wait to hang out with you, to hear you talk to him, and to answer you. Isn’t it better to have a God that loves you and wants to be around you always, than a guy who won’t text you back half the time?

I can’t even express in words how good it feels to know that I’m loved. Me. Of all the people on the Earth, someone loves me. I didn’t really grow up with a dad, so I didn’t have a man around to teach me how a woman is loved, how she’s supposed to be treated, and what a good man is supposed to be. But a while after I got saved, I finally started to realize that God’s love (John 3:16) isn’t just a tagline Christians use to make you get saved. It’s real. It’s an intense, strong, passionate love that God has for us. It’s a constant urgency God has to be there for us. And the best part is God doesn’t expect gifts, or make unrealistic demands in exchange. He just gives it away for free.

If you’ve ever felt unloved, just remember that when Jesus Christ was on the cross dying for the sins of the world, he had you in mind. And when he goes before God’s throne in Heaven, and God is ready to judge the world of their sins, Jesus walks up to the throne and says your name. He defends you, and uses his own blood to cover your mistakes (Revelation 3:5).

Our relationship with Jesus is the most amazing love story we can ever hope to have. It’s got love, laughter, tears, and trials.

God will take you on the most adventurous journey you’ll ever have if you begin to trust in him instead of princes.

Trust in him at all times, you people. Pour out your heart before him. God is a refuge for us. Selah. – Psalm 62:8

I encourage you to pour your heart out to the one who created it. When you say “Yes” to God, he will accept you as you are, and then your real love story can begin.